Monday, March 30, 2009

Yard Project Day 1

As most of you know, Dave and I bought a "fixer-upper" home a little over two years ago. When we bought this house we had many ideas and a vision of what we wanted this home to look like when finished. As you know, in that time we also had two beautiful boys which kind of delayed some of our big ideas. One of those big plans was to level out and grass the better part of our one acre lot.

Well folks, today is the day our big yard project begins! We are very excited to have this project underway. Dave has been on me all day to get some pics up for all to see. So here they are! Now, remember, this is day one so it's not all that pretty yet. Check back for more pictures to see how this project unfolds.

Here are a few pics Dave snapped before the project...

And here are some pics I snapped half way through Day 1...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's Play Time!

Exciting news to share! Dillin is now reaching for and clumsily grabbing toys and other objects. Each little milestone is very exciting, as all of you with little ones know. He is super close to rolling from his back to his tummy. As soon as he does I will share the exciting news! Here are a few shots of Dillin and his toys.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our Mini Men

Good Morning! Well, not so good as we lost an hour of precious sleep because of daylight savings time. ;)

Today I would like to share a few pictures of our mini men doing what they do best...playing. Like, I mentioned yesterday, Austin has a new found love for the once terrifying Busy Ball Popper. He wasn't feeling too hot yesterday, but he did have enough energy to run around chasing balls around the kitchen (in his diaper) and put them back into the popper. It's quite a kick watching him get all excited.

And, Dillin...this little man wants so badly to get up and move. He's nearly ready to roll over from back to front. He's got the side roll down and is strong enough to do it. His new favorite toy is the Rainforest Bouncer. He loves standing up and has figured out how to use his feet to bounce from side to side. He'll play in that for 30 minutes at a time, which is great and gives us a free hand to get stuff done or just sit and watch if we're lazy.

We have two great mini men, we really do. Dave and I look at them every day and we are reminded how blessed we are. Sappy, I know...

I will leave you with final pic of the snow we got yesterday. I am so done with winter...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Welcome from The Meyers Boys and Me!

Hello and welcome to our family's new blog. I have really enjoyed doing the babysite updates, but think a blog will be easier to keep up with having two boys. Plus, Dave and I can share what's going on in our lives as well!

Like the name? "The Meyers Family" was taken, so I had to get a little creative. I'm not the best when it comes to playing with words. Since I'm out numbered 3 to 1, I settled on "The Meyers Boys and Me." Cute, I know. ;)

Here's what's happening in the Meyers Household today...
1. Dillin laughed for the first time today...sooooooo cute.
2. Austin is no longer afraid of the Busy Ball Popper; in fact, he loves it!
3. Daddy and Austin have colds, keep your fingers crossed that Mommy and Dillin don't get it.
4. Mommy's photography is taking off! I have a photo shoot scheduled for every weekend for the next 8 weekends. I am very excited and look forward to where this new venture will take me.

Our blog is a bit different than babysites, as I can't send updates when I've added something new. So, be sure to check back often for new and exciting things happening in the Meyers household!I will post some pictures on our blog, but you can also view family pics in my zenfolio albums.