Monday, April 20, 2009

A Weekend with The Meyers

We had some beautiful weather this weekend in Seattle. Since sunny days have been far and few between we had to take advantage of the sun and get outdoors. After my photo shoot Saturday morning (see my photography blog for pics) we headed to Perrigo Park in Redmond for some fun at the park. Austin and Daddy had a great time on the slide!

On Sunday, we decided to try out a new park in Bellevue. Kelsey Creek Park is an old Dairy Farm complete with pigs, chickens, horses, rabbits, goats and sheep! Austin loved seeing all the animals and running around in the grass. This is a great place for familiy picinics or get-togethers. I might even take future clients for outdoor portraits sessions. The grounds are beautiful and there are several trails to wander around on.

Today is another sunny day, so me and the boys are heading out again to enjoy the sun! You can view more pics from our sun-filled weekend in our zenfolio album:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It has been a busy couple of weeks. I spent the last week in Arizona with my Dad after he had emergency heart surgery. I am VERY happy to report that Dad is doing great and recovering rather well. He gave us a good scare, but it turns out he is a fighter!

It was the longest I had been away from either boys. I was so happy to see them at the airport when they picked me up. Being away from them just made me realize how lucky I am to be a mom and have the opportunity to stay at home with them.

The purpose of this post is to share a little bit about the boys and their progress. On the 1st of April both boys had their wellness check ups (Austin's 18 month and Dillin's 4 month). They are both very healthy and growing. Austin was 27 1/2 pounds (75th percentile for his age) and 34 inches (93rd percentile for his age). Our full back, Dillin, was a whopping 17 pounds, 13 ounces (98th percentile for his age) and 26 1/4 inches (95th percentile for his age). I have a feeling he is going to be the "big" little brother.

The doc gave us the "go" to start feeding Dillin solids. We started with rice cereal and boy, was he ready! The first time he wasn't so sure what to do, but the second time he gobbled down a whole bowl. He has proved to be quite the easy going kid and very easy on Mom and Dad. He continues to sleep through the night from 8:30 to about 6. He has found his feet and loves to play with them. He is also getting pretty good at taking his binky from his mouth and sometimes getting it back in. Still no rolling over, but it's not because lack of strength. He does a mean sit-up!

Austin continues to suck everything up like a sponge. His vocabulary now inluces mama, dada, bye, hi, bath and baby. I think he might be saying a few more, but can't quite tell. He is excellent at telling you what he wants. He'll bring over his coat and shoes and poke at you until you put them on. He also continues to be a good big brother. He is so gentle with Dillin and eager to give him hugs and kisses or return his binky when it falls to the ground.

That's all for now. I'll be back soon to post more pics of the yard as it progressess.